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International Assistance and Consulting

"Use the law to be useful"


Rapid development in the world of international affairs requires increasingly extensive familiarity with the norms of transnational law, as well as the norms of individual countries in relation to both Community and extra-Community legislation. The role of the international consultant has had to keep pace with the needs of the business world and must continue to do so in order to enable fast and concrete responses.

The urgent necessity to provide business people with multi-sectorial responses has made teamwork essential. Team members must be professionals with a solid background, trained to seek solutions for the widest range of legal, corporate, tax and financial issues.

Attorney Giuseppe Balzano and his Partners, armed with extensive experience in the field, operate in many geographical areas, both in and outside of Europe. On their Client’s request, they can identify the country with an actual "Advantageous Tax System" [in italiano era “Fiscalità di Vantaggio”] together with their knowledge of the advisability of “Facilitated Finance” [in italiano era “Finanza Agevolata”] All of this is possible due to their knowledge of foreign legal, corporate, tax and financial systems, as well as the direct knowledge of Professional Partners in loco.

Drafting a well-articulated international contract, structuring an industrial group, creating a trust, protecting assets, with the duty to verify the tax situation, [è corretta l’interpetazione per “con l’obbligo di verifica del carico fiscale”] are some of our areas of operation, aimed at protecting and safeguarding objectives in order to achieve them in the most advantageous way for our clients.

All of this is possible because we offer our Clients specialized language mediation services in the various sectors, necessary in order to best interpret their needs.

Thank you for your attention and interest in our services and please contact us if we can help you with any additional information. We look forward to building a relationship that best suits your needs.



Avv. Giuseppe Balzano

VAT IT01808660243
R.C. Sara Assicurazioni n° 71059860D

The content of this site has been prepared respecting the code of ethics of the National Bar Council in accordance with Article 17 and 17a and to the amendments approved on 06/27/2008.